Posts Tagged ‘ assisted driving ’

Smart cars could save dumb drivers | Calgary Herald

Looking at some more advanced technologies that are titled ‘assisted driving’. take s a look at C2X, Part of the various sub-projects of the German government funded Adaptive and Cooperative Technologies for Intelligent Traffic (AKTIV) project.

From the Calgary Herald, originally posted July 2nd 2010:

Imagine for a moment that a car 300 metres away and around a blind corner has just crashed into a lamppost and is blocking the road.

It is up to the driver to react to the misadventure when it suddenly appears before him or her — usually by slamming on the brakes and/or steering to avoid a potential collision. It all happens so fast, it’s enough to make one’s head spin.

This nasty situation is about to become a non-issue thanks to a system that allows the vehicles on the road to communicate with one another, enabling a vehicle to broadcast its location and monitor the position of hundreds of other cars several times a second.

This system has a broadcast range of around 300 metres, which is about three times farther than that of a traditional radar-based system. As such, it has the ability to “see” around that blind corner because the disabled car is “telling” all other vehicles in the vicinity there is a problem.

Read the full article, via Smart cars could save dumb drivers.